A Spiritual Community for Open Minds

Rites of Passage

Child Blessings and Namings
Depending on personal preference, Unitarians have many different names for the celebration of new life - baptism, child dedication, or naming and blessing. Whatever the ceremony is called, it is a service of welcome to the new life, celebrating the continuing miracle and wonder of life, dedicating the parents (and godparents, if applicable) to the spiritual nurture of their child, and introducing the child to the wider community. Parents are not expected to make theological declarations, or to commit their child to a particular system of belief. Such services are usually conducted either as an integral part of a Sunday service, or at another time, according to the wishes of the parents and the minister.
The Meeting House is registered for the celebration of all marriages. Apart from the words required by UK law, Unitarian weddings are unique to every couple, who are invited to be as involved as they wish in the design and wording of their service so that their wedding accurately and honestly reflects their theological beliefs, personal circumstances and aspirations for marriage. Unitarians do not discriminate against people who are divorced, of different faith or none.
Our wedding ceremonies celebrate love in all its forms.

Funerals and Memorial Services
The community at Bessels Green is pleased to offer funerals and memorial services for those who want a dignified ceremony which does not impose or assume any particular theological position on the part of the deceased. Services are appreciations of the life of the deceased, and an acknowledgement of the human experience of loss and bereavement. Services can be held in the Meeting House, a local crematorium or cemetery, or other agreed location.