A Spiritual Community for Open Minds

On 12 January we gathered around candles, under warm blankets for an afternoon of sharing stories, favourite poems and cake to banish the winter blues.

On 22 December we held our annual candle-lit carol service which included warm spiced apple juice (with and without brandy) home-baked Christmas cookies by Judy and live music by Esther and Archie McLellan on piano and organ.

On Nov 24th we held our first Death Cafe in the chapel. 12 people attended and we had very deep and meaningful conversations along with some delicious cakes.

In October adults and children alike spent an afternoon playing with glueguns, fabric, and recycled beads and feathers to make and upcycle Halloween costumes and decorations.

In September we hosted a weekday morning coffee and conversation event. Each table had question cards from the School of Life and we used them as sparks for our informal conversations.